Dear Health Associate,
You are being handed this letter because you are one of the 30% of people in the general population who should not eat carbohydrates (sugar), starches and grains (wheat). Maybe when you were tested at your last visit you were advised that sugar and wheat are not good for you. If so you were probably given a little “talking to” and a data sheet on sugar and one on wheat. These data sheets are to be studied to help you avoid these foods.
In cases, like yours it is vital that you be away from such foods 100%. Remember, you are receiving personalized nutritional advice. For the mass of people sugar and wheat might be tolerable, but for you, no, no, no. Sugar, wheat and other grains, starches and carbohydrates will only make you sick and over-weight. If they also caused an autonomic dysfunction such as ‘switching’ or ‘blocked regulation’, then they should be considered by you to be absolute poisons. Said another way, for you, in the presence of sugar and wheat, you will never be healthy. You have to be an absolute fanatic in avoiding them. The success of your whole case depends on how well you control your diet. If you won’t do that, then you can expect only limited benefit.
If you are a ‘pain case’- meaning that you are complaining about a sore joint, back or other body part, it is highly likely that the key to eliminating your pain is in your elimination of wheat from your diet. Other dietary items may also be involved, but wheat seems to be the chief offender. In other words, your shoulder, your knee, your back will not stop hurting until you stop the wheat. I don’t mean to preach, but…
So, then, what should you eat? The standard American diet is heavily weighted down with mountains of sugar and tons of wheat in every form imaginable. Probably, you were told that you should have a high protein, high fat diet with low glycemic index fruits and vegetables.
High protein foods:
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, raw milk, raw cheese, beans, lentils, sesame seeds. Do not consume soybeans, shellfish, bottom fish or nuts. Be very careful about protein drinks and amino acids sold as supplements. Check with us about any such items first. We have excellent protein supplements such as Nutrimere, Protefood, Whey Protein powder and SP Complete, if supplements are needed.
High fat foods:
Butter, cream, olive oil, sesame seed oil, flax seed oil, peanut oil, coconut oil and other tropical oils for cooking, clarified butter (ghee) and high quality fish oil, such as Tuna Omega. Never consume low-fat or no-fat items, or food products that contain synthetic fats and oils. Avoid soybean and canola oils and never ever consume oil that is rancid.
Low glycemic index fruits and vegetables
Low glycemic index fruits and vegetables are those that have a glycemic index less than 50. Always check the glycemic index before consuming fruits and vegetables. This is the only way that you can make sure you are not getting excess sugar. Remember, sugar has a glycemic index of 100 and any food that is higher than 50 is too high for you. That will include such items as carrots, potatoes, watermelon, bananas, bread, rice, etc. Always check to be sure. You can find a good glycemic index list in the back of the book, The New Glucose Revolution, on sale at most book stores. Easier than that, just go on line and do a ‘google’ search for ‘glycemic index’ and take your pick of web sites with long lists of foods and their glycemic index. Along with everything else, it is important to use pure Celtic Sea Salt in your cooking and sprinkled on your food to ensure that you are receiving adequate amounts of minerals and trace
minerals that you body needs. Drinking lots of raw milk makes it easy to fill in the gaps to make sure your diet is giving your body everything a body needs to be healthy and strong. I hope this letter helps you to make the right decisions and choices that will help you to achieve your health goals. Remember, we are your partners in your quest to attain perfect vibrant health!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Alim

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  1. Thank you for the letter. I must do better at breaking away from that sugar mainly. This pass Thursday I purchased a 12pk of the Paximune so from this point on I’ll make you my source for nutritional guidance.

  2. I was wondering if you can tell me why nuts are bad to eat. They are high in fats. Etc. Macadamia, Brazil nuts and pecans?

    1. Nuts and seeds are high in fats that oxidize almost immediately to become harmful compounds triggering latent viruses that can cause cancer. Not to mention, lacking a gullet, the inability of human’s to fully digest nuts and seeds leads to hemorrhoids, rectal itching and rectal bleeding. Sesame seeds are the one exception, if toasted or pureed into tahini. Our research confirms the assertion in How to Eat to Live by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad…”one meal of nuts shortens the life span by five years” making nuts unaffordable in the diet.

  3. I have been in contact with many people that have had the poke, as a chiropractor. I have not had the jab but have had the illness and recovered after 5 days. Mild taste issues remain after 9 months. What are your suggestions?

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