Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad (9 Ministries Produces The Hereafter) Mosque #27 Los Angeles

The Serpent’s Venom An update by Dr Alim “Covid19” 2022
At this point in late May 2022- What is understood is this: A virus is not the issue. The virus is the continuing never ending distraction that is losing that …

High Protein, High Fat, Low Glycemic Index Diet
Dear Health Associate, You are being handed this letter because you are one of the 30% of people in the general population who should not eat carbohydrates (sugar), starches and grains …

What is Autonomic Response Testing?
What is Autonomic Response Testing? (Muscle Testing) The Problem in Medicine The fundamental problem in medicine today, despite all of its high-tech developments, is the inability to make …

The Rationale for Nutritional Healing
My Abundant Life #1 By Dr. Alim The Rationale for Nutritional Healing Fasting is a greater cure of our ills, both mental and physical, than all of the drugs of …

Medicinal Navy Bean Soup
Medicinal Navy Bean Soup By Dr. Alim Dry navy pea beans are living but in a dormant state and cannot be eaten nor digested until they are brought back to …

How to Avoid Wheat
HOW TO AVOID WHEAT To avoid wheat and wheat products ask about ingredients at restaurants and others’ homes and read food labels. The following list is not complete. Consult …

Avoiding Sugar
So, Dr. Alim advised you to avoid sugar… Here are some common sources of sugar: Processed Food and Fast Foods Honey Syrup (of all sorts) Candy, Gum Soda Ice …